www.policeoracle.com News Feed

Saturday 8 August 2009

UK Crime 2008/09 - At A Glance Part 2 Burglary

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The crime analysis team at Nice 1 present a post code visual map of the burglaries reported to the police in 2008/09.

Post code areas shown in red experience a significantly higher than average incident rate of burglary. Areas shown in amber experience, at best, average levels. Areas in white experience average or below levels of burglary.

The 2008/09 the Home Office survey shows there were an estimated 744,000 domestic burglary incidents in England and Wales. The number of domestic burglaries with entry to the property and attempted burglaries for 2008/09 is estimated by the survey at 452,000 burglaries with entry and 292,000 attempted burglaries.

The number of police recorded domestic burglaries rose by one per cent to 284,445 offences.

The Home Office estimates that only 65 per cent of domestic burglaries were reported to the police and that burglaries with loss were most likely to be reported.

These figures support previous articles from the Nice 1 team, highlighting the disparity between the Home Office survey and the actual incidents reported to police. Assuming the Home Office survey figures are correct, whn factored into the recorded burglary numbers, the rise in burglary is significantly higher than the 1% reported.


A Parliamentary answer given by former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith confirmed that over 15,700 cars disappeared when keys were stolen during a burglary and a further 2,900 drivers were robbed to obtain keys by, for example, mugging, pickpocketing or carjacking. The improvements in car security and the increased risk of capture when breaking into vehicles has led the UK car criminal to up the stakes and break into homes to steal vehicle keys. This trend is increasing around the UK and the Nice 1 team will provide regular updates from these pages.

To see a detailed report on the effect of Car Key Theft on the statistical reporting of car crime, click here or look for Car Key Theft in the crime analysis report links opposite.

Read more: http://www.blogdoctor.me/2007/02/expandable-post-summaries.html#ixzz0PTplKsFN

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Through this site, Nice 1, the creators of
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A lot of hype surrounds crime statistics published by the authorities and industry sectors. Home Office statistics published annually relate to historic crime NOT the current situation.

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The Crime Analysis Team
Nice 1 Limited

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